The Commission for Children and Young People has published a new snapshot of the experiences of Victorian young people during COVID-19 lockdowns between July and October last year. Based on surveys of children and young people aged between 10 and 25, the latest snapshot builds on evidence about the disproportionate and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and young people, and provides an important context to inform improvements to service systems.
Sex work has been decriminalised in Victoria and changes have been made to the Equal Opportunity Act so that sex workers cannot be discriminated against on the basis of their work, or refused accommodation because of their profession. The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission says the anti-discrimination protections will help reduce the social stigma towards sex work, and promote the health, safety and human rights of all sex workers in Victoria.
And the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission has welcomed Taryn Lee as the new Chair of the Commission’s Board, becoming the first Aboriginal woman to hold the position. Ms Lee takes on the role following the departure of Moana Weir, who has moved on to become Victoria’s inaugural Local Jobs First Commissioner.